Hindu health mantras

"Om Namo Bhagavate
Maha Sudharshana
Vasudevaya Dhanvantaraye;
Amrutha Kalasa Hasthaaya
Sarva Bhaya Vinasaya
Sarva Roka Nivaranaya
Thri Lokya Pathaye
Thri Lokya Nithaye
Sri Maha Vishnu Swarupa
Sri Dhanvantri Swarupa
Sri Sri Sri
Aoushata Chakra Narayana Swaha"
This is a powerful Hindi Mantra dedicated to Sudarshana Vasudev Dhanvantari,the Hindu God of health,the recitation of this mantra removes all diseases and bestows good health.

This is another powerful mantra for good health.The recitation of this mantra also frees one from health related worries.
ॐ हंसं हंसः
