How to Increase Notable and Soho Blogger Text Size on Mobile Screens

In this post, I will explain how to easily increase the Text Size of Soho and Notable Blogger Themes on Mobile and Tablet Screens.

The Fonts of the New Responsive Blogger Themes Soho and Notable do not display properly when viewed on Mobile and Tablets Screens, the text becomes small [ about10Px ] and becomes uncomfortable to read properly.

How to Increase Notable and Soho Blogger Text Size on Mobile Screens

This causes discomfort to many viewers because the small text can cause eye-strain.

There is a very simple fix to resolve this major problem, which I have described below.

All that should be done is to Edit the Theme and paste the Codes given below above- ]]></b:skin>

For Notable Blogger Themes

@media (max-width:968px){
.post-body, .post-snippet{
font-size: 20PX !important;

For Soho Blogger Themes

@media (max-width:768px){
.post-body { font-size: 120%; }

You can increase or decrease the text size depending upon your wish by changing the px-value for Notable Themes and %-value for Soho Themes.


  1. I have tried the above customization and working nicely. thanks!


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